The new Rihanna video was found floating around the web a few hours ahead of it's official Vevo premiere and seems to have generated a mixed reaction from the fans.
I'm a huge fan of the video. I think it's simple, beautifully shot with an excellent use of colour and very contrasting to the electro-pop sound of the song itself. It's different to other videos out there now and will get people talking regardless. The video also works well conceptually with the the overall light-hearted look she wants the new album to have. (An intentional stark contrast to the 'Rated R' era).
'Only Girl in the World' was shot by renowned, long time Rihanna collaborator Anthony Mandler who has shot over a dozen of her videos. The video marks the first official single release from her new album 'Loud' which will be released on November 16th.
What do you think of the video?